Late July of 2010 I asked my friend Joe Bun Keo "Whose dick do I have to suck to get some Elmwood films screened at Paris In Plantsville?"
He responed with "Mine."
And we we off. A week or two later Joe Calvo I was at the weekly meeting the Paris In Plantsville resident artists have to go over what shows are coming up, critique work, plan events and so on.
We were there to pitch a screening. So I chatted up what Elmwood does and then we went over to a computer and watched a couple videos. It was a go.
Then a date was set, Labor Day Weekend, Saturday.
So in classic Elmwood fashion we decided to shoot, edit, and complete a new "Steve the Vampire" short. And we pulled it off. "Steve the Vampire Meets Dracula" was ready, along with a collection of our "greatest hits". An hour of shorts. During this time, getting ready for the screening, I kept going to the Paris In Plantsville meetings, just to keep up to date and so on. And I got to know the guys, and really gelled with them. It was a fun and inspiring place to be.
On September 4, 2010 we had the screening, and it went off without a hitch. Huge crowd and everyone was laughing at all the right things.
Out of respect I went back to the next meeting. And at the meeting I was nominated by Joe to be a resident. The general manager, Jordan, stepped in to say there would be a vote. And only a vote if I was interested. I had never thought of it. But I said "Hell Yes".
The next nite I hop online to check my email and so on...
And I see an announcement on Facebook. Jon Bristol - New Resident Artist.
Somehow I didn't get the call, ha ha... But what a cool way to find out!
So it's been a year. An amazing fun, productive, educational, exciting, inspiring year. And I wouldn't trade it for anything... And I'm not going anywhere...
So here are some shameless plugs for my Paris Brothers, past and present...
Thanks to all of you...