Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Nope... No pictures of the Munny today...

Cuz it's done.

Wanna see it you gotta come to the show.

In fact I did two! A Trikky and a Foomi!

The Foomi is really whacked out!

Here's the show info, be there!...

Opening Dec 17 at Paris In Plantsville

You get a Munny...

You make your Munny unique...

You bring it to Paris In Plantsville for the coolest toy show of the holiday season!


Submission Fees: $5.00 for 1, $10 for 2, After two submissions; infinite submissions for FREE!!!

The First 40 Entries receive a FREE Kidrobot Key Chain!!!

Official dates :

Drop offs start December 3rd through December 15th

Opening gala will be December 17th at 7pm - 11p

But start making your Munny (or Trikky, or Rooz, or Foomi, and so on) now!

Pick them up at Blick in Plainville, CT and tell them we sent you.

And check out for ideas and fun!

THIS event will be sponsored by Dick Blick Art Materials!!!!!

Visit their website for awesome deals :

Monday, November 28, 2011

Munny Madness Day 3!

Click the pic above to be part of Munny Madness at Paris In Plantsville!

It's blurry...  But there is a face starting there...  And below, a random arm!

All the info for the Munny Madness Show:
You get a Munny...
You make your Munny unique...
You bring it to Paris In Plantsville for the coolest toy show of the holiday season!


Submission Fees: $5.00 for 1, $10 for 2, After two submissions; infinite submissions for FREE!!!

The First 40 Entries receive a FREE Kidrobot Key Chain!!! 

Official dates : 
Drop offs start December 3rd through December 10th
Opening gala will be December 17th at 7pm - 11p

But start making your Munny (or Trikky, or Rooz, or Foomi, and so on) now!

Pick them up at Blick in Plainville, CT and tell them we sent you.
And check out for ideas and fun!

Monday Song - Walk - Foo Fighters

Foo Fighters had a contest recently where fans could make videos, here is one of the videos they liked!  I'll be posting another one later today.
This Video Sucks Contest: Directed by Phil Hodges

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Munny Madness In Progress!

Here he is in pieces and some of the body in color...

Drop off dates at Paris In Plantsville for your Munny are 12/3 - 12/10 and the show opens 12/17!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Guns N' Roses Week.... Encore!

No, this wasn't the encore...  But it is footage from last nite!

Say whatever you want about the new Guns N' Roses...  But let me tell you.  This is a band, a group.  Not just a bunch of hired musicians like so many so called classic bands are now.  This guys played to make each other sound good, they played off and with each other.  They cared for the old songs and killed it on all the new ones...  And I've never heard Axl sound so good...
And they weren't even that late!  Hahaha!  They hit the stage at 11:30 and played till 3:30 AM!!!
Never a dull moment, and it was killer song after another...  
Thanks Tricky for wanting to go!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

So bittersweet, this tragedy...

The last day of Guns N' Roses week...

This clip is recent...  Very recent...  Really looking forward for tonite.

This week has been brought to you by Rock 'n' Roll and my love for my friend Tricky.
This is no disrespect for anyone else in my life, but Tricky is one of the reason's I keep going.
He's an inspiration to me.  He's my brother from another mother.

Lucky to have you in my life man, and tonite we get to act like 18 year olds again.  At least for a few hours...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Don't hang your head in sorrow, and please don't cry

In May or June 1992 Gn'R did a pay-per-view concert...
I got a few buddies to chip in five bucks each and ordered the show.
We were still in high school and my folks and brother were leaving town for the night, and they actually OK'ed me having a party...
I'd love to see what Tricky has to say about that nite...
Anyway here's Don't Cry from that show

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sick of this life, not that you'd care...

This is a clip from the first Gn'R show I saw with Tricky...  March 1993...
I was looking for any clips from the second time we saw then together in 2002, but nothing really came up...  Oh well...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

You Like To Hurt Me, You Know That You Do...

Here's a song from Gun N' Roses latest album...  But not there version...  When you're done watching this, check out the YouTube page it came from, this woman is amazing.
"Sorry" is also one of my faves on Chinese Democracy...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

You can't fool yourself, you came in this world alone

So I texted Tricky right after I posted on Sunday that this is Gn'R week, letting him know...
And  I was expecting a "Fuckin' A" text or something.

But instead he punched me in the gut...
The text read "When you're talking to yourself..."

That S.O.B....  Hahahaha...
So here's "Estranged" 
Dedicated to Tricky; my soul brother, and to J.R. Calvo, my other soul brother
Thank you both for being there for me whenever I have need you

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Guns N' Roses Week

Today starts Guns N' Roses week on this blog...
Tricky and I are going to see them Saturday nite in Hartford...  So to share how happy I am I'm gonna force Gn'R on everyone who reads this blog...

So here's some vintage Elmwood Puppets making fun of the fact Chinese Democracy had yet to come out...  2003 or 2004...  I don't remember!


Creepy Jon
acrylic on canvas, portrait of a puppet

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ahh, New England

I'll be returning to the blogging in a few days...
Still no net at the homespace...