Sunday, November 20, 2011

Guns N' Roses Week.... Encore!

No, this wasn't the encore...  But it is footage from last nite!

Say whatever you want about the new Guns N' Roses...  But let me tell you.  This is a band, a group.  Not just a bunch of hired musicians like so many so called classic bands are now.  This guys played to make each other sound good, they played off and with each other.  They cared for the old songs and killed it on all the new ones...  And I've never heard Axl sound so good...
And they weren't even that late!  Hahaha!  They hit the stage at 11:30 and played till 3:30 AM!!!
Never a dull moment, and it was killer song after another...  
Thanks Tricky for wanting to go!

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