Saturday, July 27, 2024

Toygar - Commission

Mouth Puppet Portrait

Toygar was part of a three-puppet commission I did in 2022.  
Need a puppet for your project, or gift, or just for fun?
Reach out to me here or here and we can chat!

Saturday, July 20, 2024


Portrait commission from earlier this year.
Need a puppet? Reach out on Etsy or the Elmwood website!

Here's the sketch I did for approval from the client.
And some making of pics!


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

This Is Not Bernice. "Bernice, Too" Streaming 9/6/2024

"Bernice, Too"! Streaming starting September 6, 2024! You've been asking us for this... And here it comes! You can pre-order now at And on 9/6 it will also be available to purchase on Elmwood's Patreon too! Show some love for Elmwood! It's your support that keeps content like this coming! Shop Elmwood at and Stay up to date with us on Facebook and Instagram Subscribe to our YouTube - Visit our Ko-Fi Page and help keep us caffeinated! - And get a puppet on Etsy! -

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Aliens Exist!!!

Alien from "Animal Behavior"

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Aliens Exist!

Alien from "Animal Behavior"

Thursday, July 4, 2024

"BERNICE, TOO" Coming to you! September 6 2024!


"BERNICE, TOO" Coming to you! September 6 2024!
You've been asking us for this... And here it comes!
You can pre-order now at
And on 9/6 it will also be available to purchase on Elmwood's Patreon too!
Show some love for Elmwood! It's your support that keeps content like this coming!
Shop Elmwood at
Stay up to date with us on Facebook
and Instagram
Visit our Ko-Fi Page and help keep us caffeinated! -